Sunday, January 22, 2012

I have started this blog after frequently finding myself thinking about big issues pertaining to the two subjects in the title of this blog, and having no outlet to discuss these things. It is my hope that this turns into a conversation with any readers I may acquire and is partly directed by their interest. I think that the Latin language in particular and more obviously Capitalism, are subjects greatly relevant to the average American and issues that often times are not understood as well as they should be.

Latin was known by a great deal of the founders, and classical thinking of authors such as Cicero played a very real and practical influence on how the American government was crafted. Known to everyone, Latin appears on our money and all of our state mottos have been thought up in this language. I find it somewhat disturbing then that this language and its history are so overlooked now, at all levels of education. There is in fact a book written (I do not have its name on hand) about a period of time when a very high percentage of Americans recognized how important antiquity was to them. I think that's pretty sweet, and if this blog even makes a few people think about this in a meaningful way, it will have achieved its goal.

Capitalism, though not a perfect system by any means, is the one in which all of us participate on a daily basis, and I think its a pretty good one at that. I find that too often a lot of younger people do not really have a basic understanding of how this system works, mainly because they have never been forced to think about it. Financial responsibility isn't really something taught at the high school or university level (unless you are in B school) and I feel as though it should be. If many people in general had a better understanding of how market capitalism should work, I think they would be more empowered to make better decisions in various aspects of their life.

To be clear however, this blog is not an endorsement of any political ideology, and many intelligent people have ideas on how best to operate this system in which we live. The intent of this half of the blog is to more discuss the system of capitalism itself, and perhaps talk about investing as well, rather than to endorse specific political candidates, as that leads to hard feelings a lot of the time. That is not my goal. I know that it is inevitable to discuss economics and not associate ideas with names, and I understand that, I however do not want to be seen as partisan in anyway and make a lot of people mad.

I look forward to hearing back from all of you.

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