Monday, January 23, 2012

 By Kurtis with a K.

This year, I had only one New Year’s Resolution.  It wasn’t the New Year’s Resolution of the obese person who vows to give up chocolates or of someone on their fifth glass of wine who vows to give up drinking; it was the resolution of a man with an idea- I wanted to start blogging.  Maybe I wanted to write because I felt like I had something relevant to say (though that’s probably not true); maybe I wanted to write because I was slightly inebriated (pumpkin juice plus rum is an amazing drink, if you ever get the chance); maybe I just wanted to write for the sake of writing.  Either way, I knew that I had an idea, and it was an idea that I didn’t want to give up on.
Like my fellow Curtis, I believe that much insight can be gained by looking to the past.  I don’t mean history, necessarily; it can be literature, philosophy, science, mythology, even the memes of the Medieval Period that serve as sources of inspiration.  What I think is important is to think about the world around us, and to think about how we think about the world around us (hopefully that makes sense).  Too many people go through life without pausing for a minute to contemplate the phenomena they experience.  I don’t think that it’s an easy task to try to understand the world, and I don’t think that it’s one that any of us will ever fully accomplish, but I also believe that there is no reason why we should not try to do so.
To me, the term “Classics” will take on a more liberal meaning.  I will try to look at the modern era through many different lenses, some of which will begin by talking about historical figures or novels.  Hopefully, I will be able to draw a not too tenuous connection between those stories and the happenings and issues of today’s age.  That’s where “Capitalism” comes in- having studied a reasonable amount of economics, I will also attempt to connect those issues to some of the key principles of economics, making them easier to understand than when they are laid out by supposed professionals on television.  It is a sad truth that many of capitalism’s most ardent critics- and many of its most fervent supporters- do not have the slightest grasp on its inner workings.  This leads to ill-formulated arguments and vacuous debates in which meaninglessness becomes the norm, something which I wish to combat.
But, most of all, I want to write about things that are interesting to me, and interesting to all who happen across this blog.  I don’t want to present opinions and viewpoints which could be read about anywhere else, and I want this to challenge the thinking of many.  I welcome any feedback, as well as any ideas for pieces.  I look forward to this undertaking!


  1. I'd be interested to read about what you two have to say about the Big Sort. Potential topic, perhaps?

  2. We will be getting back to you soon on this one, as this is new to us! A pretty complex issue. Thanks for bringing it up!
